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Internet of Things
How Subscriptions Could Impact The UX of IoT Devices

How Subscriptions Could Impact The UX of IoT Devices

Monthly premiums are standard for software applications and streaming services, but until now, smart devices have been relatively untouched by the subscription business model the tech world has adopted. That will probably change soon, if IoT device manufacturers and businesses that sell IoT devices have anything to say about it. 

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Network Automation and IoT

Network Automation and IoT

Back in 2016, Alfonso Velosa, research vice president and analyst for IoT at Gartner, stated: “The IoT itself will help digital transformations but will take 5 to 10 years to gain mainstream adoption.”

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Improve IoT security with machine learning

Improve IoT security with machine learning

If you read our blog regularly, you know how devoted we are to IoT security. We have addressed the unique challenges that come with securing IoT devices, networks, and applications in the past. We are happy to report that machine learning (ML) is improving...

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FAQ: IoT development and embedded systems

FAQ: IoT development and embedded systems

At SDS, we specialize in development and consulting for embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) systems. We have worked with many clients on a wide range of projects over the years. We would like to share some of the most common questions (and their answers), so you can benefit from this knowledge as you consider projects revolving around IoT and embedded systems design and development.

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