Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is booming, and industrial cybersecurity is growing right alongside it. This is good news, because IoT networks are often targets for malicious intruders who want to gain access to all of the sensitive data passed from device to device within a successful business.
The 5 Biggest Tech Trends In 2022 for Policing And Law Enforcement
Some people get excited by the idea of new technology for police officers, while others worry about privacy and law enforcement overreach. Here are some of the most interesting and potentially life-changing tech trends you may see in law enforcement agencies this year.
How Subscriptions Could Impact The UX of IoT Devices
Monthly premiums are standard for software applications and streaming services, but until now, smart devices have been relatively untouched by the subscription business model the tech world has adopted. That will probably change soon, if IoT device manufacturers and businesses that sell IoT devices have anything to say about it.
Network Automation and IoT
Back in 2016, Alfonso Velosa, research vice president and analyst for IoT at Gartner, stated: “The IoT itself will help digital transformations but will take 5 to 10 years to gain mainstream adoption.”
ZEDEDA announces open orchestration solution for the distributed edge
We have often written and spoken about the benefits of edge computing in IoT systems and applications. As more companies begin to leverage the edge for IoT data collection and analysis, many have questions around the best tools, technologies, and platforms for implementation.
Highlights from AWS re:Invent 2020
AWS re:Invent 2020 took on a new format this year as a three-week virtual event as the pandemic continues to limit in-person conferences.
Improve IoT security with machine learning
If you read our blog regularly, you know how devoted we are to IoT security. We have addressed the unique challenges that come with securing IoT devices, networks, and applications in the past. We are happy to report that machine learning (ML) is improving...
How IoT technology is helping detect disease
How IoT Technology Is Helping Detect Disease | SDS
New development brings consistency to IoT device security
Security is always of paramount importance when it comes to IoT devices, which is why we were thrilled to discover that GlobalPlatform has announced it will help IoT device makers and certification bodies adopt the security evaluation standard for IoT platforms (SESIP) methodology.
FAQ: IoT development and embedded systems
At SDS, we specialize in development and consulting for embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) systems. We have worked with many clients on a wide range of projects over the years. We would like to share some of the most common questions (and their answers), so you can benefit from this knowledge as you consider projects revolving around IoT and embedded systems design and development.
What’s on the horizon for IoT in 2020?
Wth 2020 just around the corner, enterprises are making plans across the board. Of course, IoT is an area receiving a lot of attention, but what can companies expect next year? How will the IoT landscape change and what industries will see the biggest impact?
Global survey discovers growing IoT investments across the enterprise
Ask any C-suite executive, and they will probably tell you their company is investing more in IoT. A recent global survey confirms this, with an “Intelligent Enterprise Index” scoring system. The survey found that 61 percent of enterprises are on their way to true “intelligence.”